• Svetlana V. Minibaeva Sterlitamak Branch of Ufa University of Science and Technology
  • Tatiana V. Zheltikova Sterlitamak Branch of Ufa University of Science and Technology
Keywords: author’s consciousness, emotive, emotive context, emotive text, emotional situation


In this article, by means of lexico-semantic and lexico-stylistic analysis, it is proved that the emotive context performs a special meaning-generating function in a literary text, influencing the meaning of the text as a whole and the reader’s understanding of it.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the role of emotive context in the semantic structure of a literary text.

Methods. Methodologically, the article is an interdisciplinary one, based on the use of both general scientific methods (observation, comparison, interpretation) and linguistic ones (lexico-semantic analysis of words and expressions, semantic analysis of the text). The key research method was content analysis used to analyze V. Pelevin’s story News from Nepal in the emotive aspect, taking into account the psycho-emotional content of the context.

Results. The special role of the emotive context in the semantic structure of a literary text is proved, the latter being the meaning-generating function of the emotive context, represented by emotive vocabulary, emotive markers, derivational means, fixing the nonverbal expression of emotive content, etc. The analysis of emotive contexts allowing to deepen understanding of the content of the text as a whole is presented.


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Author Biographies

Svetlana V. Minibaeva, Sterlitamak Branch of Ufa University of Science and Technology

Associate Professor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Russian Language and Literature Department of the Philological Faculty

Tatiana V. Zheltikova, Sterlitamak Branch of Ufa University of Science and Technology

Student of the “Russian language, Literature”


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How to Cite
Minibaeva, S., & Zheltikova, T. (2023). MEANING-GENERATING FUNCTION OF THE EMOTIVE CONTEXT. Modern Studies of Social Issues, 15(1), 113-124.
Language and Literature Studies