• Elena V. Pomazkova Don State Agrarian University
Keywords: economic consciousness, business, entrepreneurs, socio-economic changes


Background. This article deals with the topical issue of the formation of the type of thinking of a modern entrepreneur under the influence of political and socio-economic changes in the country.

The purpose of the article. To reveal the features of the economic thinking of Russian entrepreneurs.

Materials and methods. During the analysis of the influence of the modern market system on the formation of types of economic thinking of entrepreneurs, the features of economic perception that are inherent in Russian businessmen and socio-cultural signs that characterize the modern business environment are revealed. The article uses qualitative and quantitative approaches, the main of which is the method of thematic analysis.

The results of the study. The author proves that the effectiveness of the development of the Russian economic, social and political system largely depends on the quality of entrepreneurial activity. And this quality is primarily influenced by the level of economic thinking of an entrepreneur, which develops and transforms under the influence of historical and social phenomena in society.

Conclusions. Each society forms its own type of economic consciousness. It is greatly influenced by the prevailing form of ownership in the entrepreneurial environment and the level of development of the entrepreneur’s consciousness, its structure and dynamics within the constantly changing economic and social conditions of Russian society.



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Author Biography

Elena V. Pomazkova, Don State Agrarian University

postgraduate student of the Department of Economics, Philosophy and Social Disciplines.


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How to Cite
Pomazkova, E. (2022). THE ECONOMIC CONSCIOUSNESS OF MODERN BUSINESSMANS. Modern Studies of Social Issues, 13(4), 163-180.
Philosophical Studies