Keywords: axiology, concept, conceptual opposition, subjects of dichotomy, linguistic consciousness, linguistic personality, language space, values


Background. The global redistribution of the balance of power, caused by the imbalance of the geopolitical interests of the leading world powers, contributed to the actualization within the boundaries of the Russian linguistic and cultural space of phenomena associated with the accentuation of existential significance categories among which the concept IDENTITY occupies a special position.

Purpose. The article is devoted to the study of the implementation of the value aspect of the concept IDENTITY opposition in Russian linguistic culture.

Materials and methods. The material for this study was the article of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin On the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians. July, 12, 2021; interview with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation S.V. Lavrov; Internet publication of the Russian journalist I.A. Yakovenko Disintegration of the Russian Federation: Scenarios and Prospects; speeches of state and political figures of Russia in the television political show Evening with Vladimir Solovyov. When writing the article, the following methods were used: lexical-semantic, comparative-contrastive, discursive, contextual analysis.

Results. In the course of the study the specifics of the differentiated objectification of the concept IDENTITY in the Russian language were analyzed; various theoretical approaches to the substantiation of the oppositional nature of the language implementation of the concept under study were systematized; the factual interdependence of the studied concept with the category “linguistic consciousness” was established; an integrative feature of the implementation of the concept IDENTITY in the Russian language space was revealed; the indicative characteristic of the concept IDENTITY in the composition of the subjects of the opposition CREATION ‒ DESTRUCTION was described.

Practical implications. The results of the study can find practical application in the preparation of teaching aids and textbooks on the linguo-cognitive analysis of concepts based on dichotomous models.


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Author Biography

Lidia B. Zdanovskaya, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin

Associate Professor of the Chair of Foreign Languages


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